

The graduate program has been divided into applied mechanics, applied statistics, and applied analysis course plans. Theory and applications are both studied in depth and are structured that they can change with any new developments in their respective fields and cultivate human resources of the future.

Applied Mechanics: Theory of Elasticity, Computational Mechanics, Advanced Dynamics, Mechanics of Composite Materials, Vibration Mechanics, Fracture Mechanics, Continuum Mechanics, Finite Element Method, Theory of Plates and Shell, Theory of Elastic Stability, Advanced Mechanics of Composite Materials, Advanced Fluid Mechanics, Theory of Control, Viscoelastic Mechanics, Computer Aided Drafting and Design.

Applied Statistics: Statistic Information Analysis, Regression Analysis, Advanced Mathematical Statistics, Advanced Statistical Methods, Permutation Theory, Random Processes, Multivariate Analysis, Nonparametric Statistics, Experimental Design, Decision Theory, Variable Analysis, Reliability Analysis, Sampling Methods, Advanced Probability Theory, Contingency Table, Survival Analysis, Automata, Image Processing, Artificial Intelligence, and Computer Vision.

Applied Analysis: Advanced Numerical Analysis I & II, Functional Analysis I & II, Real Analysis I & II, Advanced Partial Differential Equations I & II, Topology I & II, Applied Mathematical Methods I & II, Ordinary Differential Equations, Dynamic Systems, and Optimal Design.